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Mapping - Effects Reference
The below Effects Reference is pulled from buildhlp.txt from the Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition disc. It can be found in /goodies/build/.
:Used to rotate a sector around a pivot point.
Hitag : Set equal to Hitag of SE 1 as pivot point for sector.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : up = Rotate all points around SE 1.
down = Rotate sector around SE 1.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:If Relative alignment is set on the floor,( the R key ), then all
sprites and actors on the floor will rotate with the sector
SE 1 : Pivot for Rotate SE 0
:Used as a pivot point for Sector Effector 0 to rotate a sector around.
Hitag : Set equal to Hitag of all SE 0 to rotate.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : up = Rotate clockwise
down = Rotate counter-clockwise
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
SE 2 : Earthquake
:Used to set off an earthquake. During the earthquake the screen will
shake for about 4 seconds. The sector will move in the direction that
the SE sprite is pointing. If there is a slope, then it will rise
during the earthquake.
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Direction to move sector during earthquake.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Must activate with Masterswitch.
:If there is a slope, then it will be made flat at pre-map and
raised during the earthquake to a maximum height of 4 clicks.
SE 3 : Random lights after shot out
:Used to create lighting effect when lights are shot out. It will
also set the color of light when the light is on. Make the sector
shade dark when the light is out and make the SE sprite shade bright
when the light is on.
Hitag : Set equal to Wall Lotag with graphic of Light or
Set equal to Ceiling Hitag with graphic of Light.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : Set to Palette Lookup number when light is on.
Comment :
:Can be used with SE 12 to be turned on and off with a light
switch until the lights are shot out.
:The lights color is taken from the SE sprites Palette when the
light is on, and the sectors palette when the light is off.
Default is no color. e.g. palette = 0.
:Both the SE sprite and the sector can have different palettes.
SE 4 : Random lights
:Used to make sector randomly flash in brightness. It will also set
the color of light when the light is on. Make the sector shade dark
when the light is off and make the SE sprite shade bright when the
light is on.
Hitag : Set for Random Flash number.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : Set to when light is on.
Comment :
:Can NOT be used with SE 12 to be turned on and off with a light
:The lights color is taken from the SE sprites Palette when the
light is on, and the sectors palette when the light is off.
Default is no color. e.g. palette = 0.
:Both the SE sprite and the sector can have different palettes.
SE 5 : Reserved
SE 6 : Subway Engine
:Used as the Engine for a Subway. Use with SE 14 for multiple subway
cars. Must be used with Locator Sprite to set track.
Hitag : Set equal to Locator Lotag for starting position.
Sector Lotag : none
Sector Hitag : All sectors within Car sector must be equal.
Angle : Set for direction of Subway.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Set relative align on sector floor, (R key), to make sprites
:If a Locator has a Hitag of 1, then the Subway will stop at that
locator for 5 seconds then continue.
SE 7 : Transport / Water
:Used as Teleporter and Water Effect.
Hitag : Set equal to one other SE 7 to Transport to.
Sector Lotag : 0 = Teleporter.
1 = On top of water.
2 = Underwater
Angle : none
Shade : none
Palette: 0 = Normal/Default
> 0 = Teleporter won't play sfx or flash when used.
Sector Palette : 0 = Water
8 = Green Slime
Comment :
:If the Sector Effector Sprite is off the ground, then you will only
teleport when dukes waist is at the same height as the sprite and in
the same sector.
:When using with Sector Lotag 1 and 2 as water, the two sectors must be
exactly the same size or you will teleport to death.
SE 8 : Up Open Door Lights
:Used to light up a room when a door is opened.
Hitag : Set equal to all other SE 8 used together.
Sector Lotag : Use with any that raises the ceiling. ex: Sector Lotag 20
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : none
Comment :
:At least one SE 8 with equal Hitag must be in a sector in which the
ceiling rises.
SE 9 : Down Open Door Lights
:Used to light up a room when a light comes down from the ceiling.
Hitag : Set equal to all other SE 9 used together.
Sector Lotag : Use with any that lowers to floor. ex: Sector Lotag 21
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : none
Comment :
:At least one SE 8 with equal Hitag must be in a sector in witch the floor rises.
SE 10 : Door Auto Close
:Used to Automatically close a door after a set delay.
Hitag : Delay until door closes. ex: 128 equals 4 seconds.
Sector Lotag : Use with all door Sector Lotags
Angle : none
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
SE 11 : Rotate Sector Door
:Used as a door that rotates 90 degrees when activated.
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : 23
Angle : none
Shade : none
Palette : 0 = clockwise
1 = Counter-clockwise
Comment :
:Will also activate other SE 11 with equal Hitag values.
SE 12 : Light Switch
:Used light up a sector when activated with a switch.
Hitag : Set equal to all other SE 12 used together
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : Set to when lights are on.
Comment :
:The lights color is taken from the SE sprites Palette when the
light is on, and the sectors palette when the light is off.
Default is no color. e.g. palette = 0.
:Both the SE sprite and the sector can have different palettes.
SE 13 : C-9 Explosive
:Used to blow apart the ceiling and floor of a sector to create holes
in walls
Hitag : Set equal to SEENINE, OOZCAN, or CRACK sprites to activate
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : up = both ceiling and floor come together at Pre-map.
down = Only the ceiling or the floor matches height with the
SE sprite depending on which one is closest.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Can be activated by a Masterswitch with equal Hitags.
:If the ceiling has a Sky texture without Parallax set, then the
tile will be replaced at Pre-map with the closest non-Sky
texture. When it explodes, the sky will change to Parallax.
SE 14 : Subway Car
:Used as the Car for a Subway. Use with SE 6 for Subway engine.
Must be used with Locator Sprite to set track.
Hitag : Set equal to Locator Lotag for starting position.
Sector Lotag : none
Sector Hitag : All sectors within Car sector must be equal.
Angle : Set for direction of Subway.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Set relative align on sector floor, (R key), to make sprites
:If a Locator has a Hitag of 1, then the Subway will stop at that
locator for 5 seconds then continue.
SE 15 : Slide Door
:Used as a door that slides when opened.
Hitag : Set equal to other doors to be opened at same time.
Sector Lotag : 25
Angle : Set to direction when door is closed.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Speed Sprite sets distance to door to open.
:Check ! on how to build.
:Use MusicSFX sprite for sound.
SE 16 : Reserved
SE 17 : Elevator Transport
:Used as an Elevator that transports from one elevator shaft to
another to simulate going straight up from one floor to another.
Hitag : Equal to one other SE 17.
Sector Lotag : 15
Sector Hitag : 0 = Bottom Floor
1 = Top Floor
Angle : none
Shade : Darkest shade of the two SE 17 with equal Hitag is the
starting floor for the elevator.
Palette : none
Comment :
:Top and Bottom floors must be physically built at proper height
difference to work properly.
:Both Elevators must be Exactly the same size.
SE 18 : Incremental Sector Raise/Fall
: Used as sector floor or ceiling raise/fall that can be activated incrementally.
Hitag : Set equal to units moved per activation.
Unit = one page-up/page-down in build.
Angle : Up = Floor will move incrementally (by Hitag #).
Down = Ceiling will move incrementally.
Palette : 0 = Start at build set height.
>0 = height set to SE Sprite in premap.
:Sector will move in opposite direction as it is at premap.
i.e. if sector is set to SE Sprite floor/ceiling will move to set height.
SE 19 : Shot Touchplate Ceiling Down
:Used to close ceiling when a shot or explosion hits within the
Hitag : Equal to others to activate at same time.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
Comment :
oes not check to when a shot or object passes through the
:Use MusicSFX sprite for sound.
SE 20 : Bridge
:Used to stretch a sector when activated.
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : 27
Angle : Set to direction to stretch sector.
Shade : none
Comment :
:Set relative alignment, (R key), on sector to move floor.
:Use Speed sprite for distance.
SE 21 : Drop Floor
:Used to make a floor or ceiling drop to the height of the
SE sprite when activated by a Masterswitch.
Hitag : Set equal to others that activate at same time.
Sector Lotag : 28
Angle : up = Drop Ceiling
down = Drop Floor
Shade : none
:Floor or Ceiling matches height of SE sprite at Pre-map then
drops to set position when activated.
:To do opposite, the SE sprite height must be put into sector.
SE 22 : Prong
:Used as Door inside Teeth Prongs.
Hitag : Set equal to Hitag of Sector Lotaged 29.
Sector Lotag : 0, Outside Sector Lotag of 29
Angle : none
Shade : none
:This Effector was not tested in the, game so use at your own risk.
It may cause problems in multi-play.
:See !SE.MAP for usage.
SE 23 : One Way Teleporter Exit
: Used as an exit indicator for a one way teleporter.
Hitag: Set equal to teleporter entrance sprite Hitag (SE 7).
Angle: Actor facing on exit.
Palette: 0 = Normal/default
>0 = No Teleporter sound or flash on use.
SE 24 : Conveyor belt
:Used to move sprites along the floor like a conveyor belt.
Hitag : Set equal to a switch to turn on and off.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Set to direction to move sprites.
Shade : none
:Set relative alignment (R key) on sector floor to move sprites.
:Set Speed sprite equal to rate of movement.
SE 25 : Engine Piston
:Used as a Piston that only goes up and down.
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
ut SE sprite height to starting position of Piston.
:Speed sprite equals rate of movement.
SE 26 : Reserved
SE 27 : Camera for Playback
:Used as a camera position to view playback of game Demos.
Hitag : Set to maximum distance for the camera to view the action of
other players. e.g. 2048 equals largest grid in build.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
:Camera does not always work well with extreme heights.
SE 28 : Lighting Engine
: Used to create lighting effect in an area of 10000. On random activation
will flash linked Lighting Bolt sprites and start sfx.
Hitag: Set equal to Lighting Bolt Sprite #4890 Hitag.
Angle: none
Shade: none.
SE 29 : Floating Sector
:Used to make sector float like water or waves.
Hitag : Set to starting height of sector. 0-2047
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
:Use Speed sprite to set height of wave.
:To use as a wave, the sector must only be made of 4 lines. Set
one wall as first wall (alt-f) next to another sector with a
SE 29 sprite in it to create a wave.
SE 30 : 2 Way Train
:Used as a Train car that only goes back and forth from point A to
point B.
Hitag : Set equal to a switch to activate.
Sector Lotag : 31
Angle : Set to direction of front of Car.
Shade : none
:Use with 2 Locator sprites to define track.
:Activator with equal hitag+1 activates when car stops at point A.
Activator with equal hitag+2 activates when car stops at point B.
SE 31 : Floor Rise
:Used to rise or lower sector floor when activated by an Activator or
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Up = Move sector to SE sprite height when activated.
Down = Start sector height equal to SE sprite height at Pre-map.
On activation, falls to pre set height.
Shade : none
:Use Speed to set rate of rise.
:Use MusicSFX sprite for sound.
SE 32 : Ceiling Fall
:Used to rise or lower sector Ceiling when activated by an Activator or
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Up = Rise sector to SE sprite height when activated.
Down = Start sector height equal to SE sprite height at Pre-map.
On activation, raises to pre set height.
Shade : none
:Use Speed to set rate of rise.
:Use MusicSFX sprite for sound.
SE 33 : Spawn Earthquake Jibs
:Used to spawn pieces of metal and rock from SE sprite during an
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
:Jibs will be spawned whenever a earthquake anywhere on the map.
SE 34 : Reserved
SE 35 : Reserved
SE 36 : Spawn Shot
:Used to Spawn a shot every 5 seconds when activated by a
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Set to direction to shoot.
Shade : none
:Once activated, it will never stop shooting.
:Use Speed sprite to set object to shoot. e.g.
2556 : Shrink Ray
2605 : RPG
1650 : Mortar
1625 : Trooper Laser
1636 : Lizman Spit
Sector Effector
The Sector Effector is a special sprite capable of pulling off a variety of different effects within the game. The effect is determined by the sprite's assigned lo-tag.- 0: ROTATED SECTOR
- 15: SLIDE DOOR (ST 25)
- 20: BRIDGE (ST 27)
- 21: DROP FLOOR (ST 28)
- 22: PRONG (ST 29)
- 25: ENGINE
- 29: FLOAT
- 30: 2 WAY TRAIN (ST=31)
SE 0 : Rotate Sector:Used to rotate a sector around a pivot point.
Hitag : Set equal to Hitag of SE 1 as pivot point for sector.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : up = Rotate all points around SE 1.
down = Rotate sector around SE 1.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:If Relative alignment is set on the floor,( the R key ), then all
sprites and actors on the floor will rotate with the sector
SE 1 : Pivot for Rotate SE 0
:Used as a pivot point for Sector Effector 0 to rotate a sector around.
Hitag : Set equal to Hitag of all SE 0 to rotate.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : up = Rotate clockwise
down = Rotate counter-clockwise
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
SE 2 : Earthquake
:Used to set off an earthquake. During the earthquake the screen will
shake for about 4 seconds. The sector will move in the direction that
the SE sprite is pointing. If there is a slope, then it will rise
during the earthquake.
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Direction to move sector during earthquake.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Must activate with Masterswitch.
:If there is a slope, then it will be made flat at pre-map and
raised during the earthquake to a maximum height of 4 clicks.
SE 3 : Random lights after shot out
:Used to create lighting effect when lights are shot out. It will
also set the color of light when the light is on. Make the sector
shade dark when the light is out and make the SE sprite shade bright
when the light is on.
Hitag : Set equal to Wall Lotag with graphic of Light or
Set equal to Ceiling Hitag with graphic of Light.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : Set to Palette Lookup number when light is on.
Comment :
:Can be used with SE 12 to be turned on and off with a light
switch until the lights are shot out.
:The lights color is taken from the SE sprites Palette when the
light is on, and the sectors palette when the light is off.
Default is no color. e.g. palette = 0.
:Both the SE sprite and the sector can have different palettes.
SE 4 : Random lights
:Used to make sector randomly flash in brightness. It will also set
the color of light when the light is on. Make the sector shade dark
when the light is off and make the SE sprite shade bright when the
light is on.
Hitag : Set for Random Flash number.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : Set to when light is on.
Comment :
:Can NOT be used with SE 12 to be turned on and off with a light
:The lights color is taken from the SE sprites Palette when the
light is on, and the sectors palette when the light is off.
Default is no color. e.g. palette = 0.
:Both the SE sprite and the sector can have different palettes.
SE 5 : Reserved
SE 6 : Subway Engine
:Used as the Engine for a Subway. Use with SE 14 for multiple subway
cars. Must be used with Locator Sprite to set track.
Hitag : Set equal to Locator Lotag for starting position.
Sector Lotag : none
Sector Hitag : All sectors within Car sector must be equal.
Angle : Set for direction of Subway.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Set relative align on sector floor, (R key), to make sprites
:If a Locator has a Hitag of 1, then the Subway will stop at that
locator for 5 seconds then continue.
SE 7 : Transport / Water
:Used as Teleporter and Water Effect.
Hitag : Set equal to one other SE 7 to Transport to.
Sector Lotag : 0 = Teleporter.
1 = On top of water.
2 = Underwater
Angle : none
Shade : none
Palette: 0 = Normal/Default
> 0 = Teleporter won't play sfx or flash when used.
Sector Palette : 0 = Water
8 = Green Slime
Comment :
:If the Sector Effector Sprite is off the ground, then you will only
teleport when dukes waist is at the same height as the sprite and in
the same sector.
:When using with Sector Lotag 1 and 2 as water, the two sectors must be
exactly the same size or you will teleport to death.
SE 8 : Up Open Door Lights
:Used to light up a room when a door is opened.
Hitag : Set equal to all other SE 8 used together.
Sector Lotag : Use with any that raises the ceiling. ex: Sector Lotag 20
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : none
Comment :
:At least one SE 8 with equal Hitag must be in a sector in which the
ceiling rises.
SE 9 : Down Open Door Lights
:Used to light up a room when a light comes down from the ceiling.
Hitag : Set equal to all other SE 9 used together.
Sector Lotag : Use with any that lowers to floor. ex: Sector Lotag 21
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : none
Comment :
:At least one SE 8 with equal Hitag must be in a sector in witch the floor rises.
SE 10 : Door Auto Close
:Used to Automatically close a door after a set delay.
Hitag : Delay until door closes. ex: 128 equals 4 seconds.
Sector Lotag : Use with all door Sector Lotags
Angle : none
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
SE 11 : Rotate Sector Door
:Used as a door that rotates 90 degrees when activated.
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : 23
Angle : none
Shade : none
Palette : 0 = clockwise
1 = Counter-clockwise
Comment :
:Will also activate other SE 11 with equal Hitag values.
SE 12 : Light Switch
:Used light up a sector when activated with a switch.
Hitag : Set equal to all other SE 12 used together
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : Set to brightness when light is on, set sector brightness to when light is off.
Palette : Set to when lights are on.
Comment :
:The lights color is taken from the SE sprites Palette when the
light is on, and the sectors palette when the light is off.
Default is no color. e.g. palette = 0.
:Both the SE sprite and the sector can have different palettes.
SE 13 : C-9 Explosive
:Used to blow apart the ceiling and floor of a sector to create holes
in walls
Hitag : Set equal to SEENINE, OOZCAN, or CRACK sprites to activate
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : up = both ceiling and floor come together at Pre-map.
down = Only the ceiling or the floor matches height with the
SE sprite depending on which one is closest.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Can be activated by a Masterswitch with equal Hitags.
:If the ceiling has a Sky texture without Parallax set, then the
tile will be replaced at Pre-map with the closest non-Sky
texture. When it explodes, the sky will change to Parallax.
SE 14 : Subway Car
:Used as the Car for a Subway. Use with SE 6 for Subway engine.
Must be used with Locator Sprite to set track.
Hitag : Set equal to Locator Lotag for starting position.
Sector Lotag : none
Sector Hitag : All sectors within Car sector must be equal.
Angle : Set for direction of Subway.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Set relative align on sector floor, (R key), to make sprites
:If a Locator has a Hitag of 1, then the Subway will stop at that
locator for 5 seconds then continue.
SE 15 : Slide Door
:Used as a door that slides when opened.
Hitag : Set equal to other doors to be opened at same time.
Sector Lotag : 25
Angle : Set to direction when door is closed.
Shade : none
Palette : none
Comment :
:Speed Sprite sets distance to door to open.
:Check ! on how to build.
:Use MusicSFX sprite for sound.
SE 16 : Reserved
SE 17 : Elevator Transport
:Used as an Elevator that transports from one elevator shaft to
another to simulate going straight up from one floor to another.
Hitag : Equal to one other SE 17.
Sector Lotag : 15
Sector Hitag : 0 = Bottom Floor
1 = Top Floor
Angle : none
Shade : Darkest shade of the two SE 17 with equal Hitag is the
starting floor for the elevator.
Palette : none
Comment :
:Top and Bottom floors must be physically built at proper height
difference to work properly.
:Both Elevators must be Exactly the same size.
SE 18 : Incremental Sector Raise/Fall
: Used as sector floor or ceiling raise/fall that can be activated incrementally.
Hitag : Set equal to units moved per activation.
Unit = one page-up/page-down in build.
Angle : Up = Floor will move incrementally (by Hitag #).
Down = Ceiling will move incrementally.
Palette : 0 = Start at build set height.
>0 = height set to SE Sprite in premap.
:Sector will move in opposite direction as it is at premap.
i.e. if sector is set to SE Sprite floor/ceiling will move to set height.
SE 19 : Shot Touchplate Ceiling Down
:Used to close ceiling when a shot or explosion hits within the
Hitag : Equal to others to activate at same time.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
Comment :
oes not check to when a shot or object passes through the
:Use MusicSFX sprite for sound.
SE 20 : Bridge
:Used to stretch a sector when activated.
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : 27
Angle : Set to direction to stretch sector.
Shade : none
Comment :
:Set relative alignment, (R key), on sector to move floor.
:Use Speed sprite for distance.
SE 21 : Drop Floor
:Used to make a floor or ceiling drop to the height of the
SE sprite when activated by a Masterswitch.
Hitag : Set equal to others that activate at same time.
Sector Lotag : 28
Angle : up = Drop Ceiling
down = Drop Floor
Shade : none
:Floor or Ceiling matches height of SE sprite at Pre-map then
drops to set position when activated.
:To do opposite, the SE sprite height must be put into sector.
SE 22 : Prong
:Used as Door inside Teeth Prongs.
Hitag : Set equal to Hitag of Sector Lotaged 29.
Sector Lotag : 0, Outside Sector Lotag of 29
Angle : none
Shade : none
:This Effector was not tested in the, game so use at your own risk.
It may cause problems in multi-play.
:See !SE.MAP for usage.
SE 23 : One Way Teleporter Exit
: Used as an exit indicator for a one way teleporter.
Hitag: Set equal to teleporter entrance sprite Hitag (SE 7).
Angle: Actor facing on exit.
Palette: 0 = Normal/default
>0 = No Teleporter sound or flash on use.
SE 24 : Conveyor belt
:Used to move sprites along the floor like a conveyor belt.
Hitag : Set equal to a switch to turn on and off.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Set to direction to move sprites.
Shade : none
:Set relative alignment (R key) on sector floor to move sprites.
:Set Speed sprite equal to rate of movement.
SE 25 : Engine Piston
:Used as a Piston that only goes up and down.
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
ut SE sprite height to starting position of Piston.
:Speed sprite equals rate of movement.
SE 26 : Reserved
SE 27 : Camera for Playback
:Used as a camera position to view playback of game Demos.
Hitag : Set to maximum distance for the camera to view the action of
other players. e.g. 2048 equals largest grid in build.
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
:Camera does not always work well with extreme heights.
SE 28 : Lighting Engine
: Used to create lighting effect in an area of 10000. On random activation
will flash linked Lighting Bolt sprites and start sfx.
Hitag: Set equal to Lighting Bolt Sprite #4890 Hitag.
Angle: none
Shade: none.
SE 29 : Floating Sector
:Used to make sector float like water or waves.
Hitag : Set to starting height of sector. 0-2047
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
:Use Speed sprite to set height of wave.
:To use as a wave, the sector must only be made of 4 lines. Set
one wall as first wall (alt-f) next to another sector with a
SE 29 sprite in it to create a wave.
SE 30 : 2 Way Train
:Used as a Train car that only goes back and forth from point A to
point B.
Hitag : Set equal to a switch to activate.
Sector Lotag : 31
Angle : Set to direction of front of Car.
Shade : none
:Use with 2 Locator sprites to define track.
:Activator with equal hitag+1 activates when car stops at point A.
Activator with equal hitag+2 activates when car stops at point B.
SE 31 : Floor Rise
:Used to rise or lower sector floor when activated by an Activator or
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Up = Move sector to SE sprite height when activated.
Down = Start sector height equal to SE sprite height at Pre-map.
On activation, falls to pre set height.
Shade : none
:Use Speed to set rate of rise.
:Use MusicSFX sprite for sound.
SE 32 : Ceiling Fall
:Used to rise or lower sector Ceiling when activated by an Activator or
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Up = Rise sector to SE sprite height when activated.
Down = Start sector height equal to SE sprite height at Pre-map.
On activation, raises to pre set height.
Shade : none
:Use Speed to set rate of rise.
:Use MusicSFX sprite for sound.
SE 33 : Spawn Earthquake Jibs
:Used to spawn pieces of metal and rock from SE sprite during an
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : none
Shade : none
:Jibs will be spawned whenever a earthquake anywhere on the map.
SE 34 : Reserved
SE 35 : Reserved
SE 36 : Spawn Shot
:Used to Spawn a shot every 5 seconds when activated by a
Hitag : none
Sector Lotag : none
Angle : Set to direction to shoot.
Shade : none
:Once activated, it will never stop shooting.
:Use Speed sprite to set object to shoot. e.g.
2556 : Shrink Ray
2605 : RPG
1650 : Mortar
1625 : Trooper Laser
1636 : Lizman Spit