GB Quotes
"The Ripper Chaingun is back in the game."
Is Gearbox doing a good job handling the Duke Nukem IP?
Fan Art 2010
2010 Art by Micki showcases only the best of the best art. If your work doesn't look like crap, please submit your art to Micki. We accept videos, MP3s, game models, skins--pretty much anything that can be put online, so don't put a limit on your creativity.
Xmas/New Year 2010 | CaricaDuke | Money for Sex |
Troll Duke | ||
Art by Featured Artists
Anders & Joel | Romeo Stradiotti | Justin Holbrook |
Sitting Slime Babe by Sebab | Super Slime Babe | Today's Duke by Tom Rhodes |
Nuke Unbelievers by OttoMoto | Creation of DNF by OttoMoto | Duke Begins by Redsplat |
Art by Steven Ward
Escape From Alien Abductors | Alien Trooper | Pig Cop |
Stalker |