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"Duke works for no man."



Is Gearbox doing a good job handling the Duke Nukem IP?



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Duke3D Machinima Powered by Polymer

Category: Duke3D
by Yatta, on Tue Oct 13 2009, 04:36PM

VinsaneOne, Steven Johnson, and Joeseph Winchester of Open Maw Productions, along with the help of the few other dudes in the credits, have created the most awesome Machinima ever made for Duke Nukem 3D.  The six-minute film comes packed with a custom voicing of Duke and new one liners, in addition to magnificent action scenes where you get to see shit blow up Polymer-style.  The soundtrack is fantastic, too.

It is called Hollywood Holocaust: "The Aliens Return" Movie:

Here's a word from Vinsane himself:

This video is a must see for any and all Duke fans. Lots of people make and view tons of gameplay footage, maybe even you. But this is waaaaay different! Here's why. A camera man, yes, only one. But you'd think many because of the splended multiple angle shooting by the director himself, who btw, is the excecutive producer. Also, the first movie of it's kind to make use of the new Polymer rendering! Real acting, which means every movement was followed by the director. Great rocking soundtrack, special effects and voice acting, not to mention it has some of the most creative, all new one-liners you ever heard. It will have you rolling on the floor! And the voice is so close, ther's no justice lost to the King, Duke Nukem.

This vid is far from being perfect. It's a screen test showing what was done and how. Taking this to the next level depends on you. If the reaction is of a positive nature for this test, there will be more and much better movies to come.

One other thing. This very same vid was mentioned in another thread by the director. Only difference is that one has the directors commentary.
But the real reason i've posted this is that I felt this work deserves a bit more attention, and well worth 6 min of your time...Enjoy!

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