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"We're very likely to show some stuff this year, maybe a lot, and resist the urge for screenshots bi-weekly."



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Oh, the Possibilities!

Category: Duke3D
by Yatta, on Mon May 05 2008, 09:15PM

Roma Loom, whom I honestly prefer to call Loomy, e-mailed us the most sexually arousing image the other day! No, it's not from the HRP, but it does "render" what might be possible in the future. Now now, which is more awesome? Shiny Hollywood stars or a Battlelord that is a potential competitor for his DNF counterpart? Oh Loomy Loom!


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Full DBJ Article Now Available

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Sun May 04 2008, 06:15PM

A few months ago we had a news item covering "everything you need to know about DNF." The information from that news item came from an online source which was only available to subscribers; however, it's recently been made public. If anyone is interested in reading the full Dallas Business Journal article on DNF, check it out. Thanks to Jobi-Wan Kenobi for the info.

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Shackers Visit the Duke

Category: DNF
by Micki!, on Mon Apr 28 2008, 07:53PM

Apparently some lucky Shacknews journalists were given an invitation by George Broussard to have a quick look at DNF at 3D Realms' offices. And would you believe it? They also used our Beloved Marty's Artwork of Duke killing a Pigcop together with their news, crediting it right back to our website. I'll personally thank Shacknews for that--thanks!

Go ahead and read it all:

Nothing of the game has been made public for years until that Duke Nukem Forever teaser was released last December. However, that all changed recently. For a good half hour Shacknews witnessed several different DNF gameplay scenarios, mechanics, and environments being demonstrated.

And what's this?!

We actually got to see the truth of Duke curator George Broussard's many past claims, including environmental puzzles and interactivity, a host of finished weapons, the existence of an in-game forklift, and plenty of heads and arms being blown off.

Forklifts? Indeed, it's the big talk right now!

You can read the whole thing at

Update: George himself made a comment on Shacknews to clarify the situation a bit, for those who might have expected more out of these "news."

Heh. You guys give Steve/Maarten a break. The situation was this....Maarten was in town and was leaving on Monday, or something. I'd talked to Maarten a week or so earlier about dropping by to checking something else out. It was Friday and time was getting late, so I asked Maarten if he and Steve wanted to drop by. Sadly, I asked about dognose too, but Maarten said he had to work till 8pm that Friday.

So they came over and we checked out some stuff and out of the blue I just decided to show them DNF for about an hour. We ran through a couple of maps and chatted about stuff and we asked for some feedback. It was pretty unofficial and off the cuff and just done because I've known the guys for a long time and they were local, and what the ****. They are being secretive/light on info because of obvious reasons, but just wanted to post and say "hey, we saw it and it's real".

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Fan Art 2008 Page Launched

Category: Site News
by Yatta, on Sat Apr 19 2008, 08:07PM

4/23 Update: We just added two more art pieces to the gallery.  SEXY!

Check it out! Here's a sample of the content, by Marty, Micki, and Nihilanth, respectively. Further thanks to Alexander, Kev, Damien, and Smooth for sending in their art, and Micki for organizing it all!

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Interview with the Saint

Category: Duke Nukem
by Yatta, on Fri Apr 18 2008, 11:54PM

From Zergwatch:

The good news is, we got a chance to talk to the man behind the voice of Duke Nukem this week, award winning voice over master, Jon St. John. Jon currently heads up his own studio production company, Jon St. John Productions, where he does voice over work for television, radio and of course, video games.

Interesting excerpt about DNF:

Zergwatch: If Duke Nukem Forever ever comes out, the game would be ruined without you doing the voice of Duke Nukem. Have you been in contact at all with Take-Two Interactive or 3D Realms about this project?

Jon "Duke" St. John: Well...thank you so much for your support! I would like to think that I am the one and only voice of Duke. And yes, I have been in touch with George Broussard at 3DR who tells me that it will be released when it's ready. He says there is quite a bit of work yet to be done...but if you have seen the trailer, you know it's going be worth the wait, 'cause this one is gonna to ROCK!

Read the whole thing at Zergwatch.

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Duke for PSP And DS in 2008? DNF Almost Done?

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Fri Apr 18 2008, 10:40PM

This is the sort of news that makes your balls tingle, yet bullshit has been known to cause AIDS, so sprinkle it with salt.

According to a Dutch gaming Web site, Duke Nukem is making his way to the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS in 2008. The site states that Duke Nuken Forever is not only close to releasing on the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360, but it is coming to the DS and PSP as well. There is no word yet if this will be a port of Duke Nukem 3D, or possibly a port of Duke Nukem Forever on the PSP and DS. The site states though that it could release in the third quarter of 2008, and possibly even before it hits the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

I'd like to thank our neighborhood pimp Rockmx8 for the heads up, and NUKEMDAVE for assisting with the pimping.

In case you're interested, here's a Google translation of the original news source.

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New "Nukebag" Remix by Lutzifer

Category: Duke Nukem
by Yatta, on Fri Apr 18 2008, 01:39AM

Download - MP3 Format, 2.69 MB

Lee Jackson's grabbag is one of the greatest songs - if not the greatest - of the midi-era of video-game sound. Add to that, that Duke Nukem 3d was one of the most enjoyable games to ever grace the earth and you know, why i had to do a cover-version of this song. This is me, bowing down in awe and gratitude, saying "hail to the king, baby" till DNF takes back the throne.

- Lutzifer,

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Donators List of Honor + Duke Custom Recording

Category: Duke Nukem
by Yatta, on Tue Apr 08 2008, 11:06PM

I'd like to thank our amazing community for helping to raise the money we need to move to a new server. We'll make an announcement once we've accumulated the sufficient funds to make the move--until then, more donations are welcome and appreciated.  Please check out our donators list of honor.

Jon St. John ( with cool sunglasses )Jon St. John (or perhaps it was Ms. Nukem) has given us a heads up that you can get personalized Duketalk recordings via his website. Super cool!

Get a personalized, custom recording of Duke for your voicemail, ringtone,
answering machine, whatever! You write the script and Duke will say whatever you want.

What are you waiting for, Christmas? Let's Rock - email us today with the script
you want Duke to record - and you can use Pay Pal for faster service.

Your message should be no longer than 30 seconds and can be in any audio file type -
MP3, WAV, AIFF, etc. You receive your audio via email.PayPal

Come get some!

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We Need Your Help - Now Accepting Donations

Category: Site News
by Yatta, on Sat Apr 05 2008, 01:05AM is in serious need of donations in order to remain hosted if problems arise with our current host. While the Edge Network has been more than generous in serving the website so far, we've been experiencing some software related issues and occasional downtime.  If the Edge Network asks us to move out, a dedicated server will run me 80 dollars a month and it'll have to come out of my own pocket, mainly due to the fact that our current ads are not bringing us revenue--they're only there because they're required by our host. As a college student, I will not be able to afford this without your help.

Your donation may also go towards fees associated with's:

- domain renewals.
- additional hosting/mirror servers.
- P.O. Box for mailing/address uses.
- software registration (e.g. content management systems).

Update 4/7/08:
Many of you have been eager to help us as of late, and as such, we're adopting the following policy:

- YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO A REFUND and I will personally make sure that your money is returned down to the last penny if you change your mind about your donation.
- You may donate via PayPal by clicking the donate button on the right column. Alternatively, you may donate via a check by contacting
- If you're donating through PayPal, please make sure you enter your username on the donation page for verficiation purposes.
- Please provide your name or website/forum account on the donation page or via e-mail if you wish to be ranked as a donor. We'll also use this information to add you to our honor page for donors.
- Your money will only be used towards supporting If, for any reason, you feel uncomfortable with your donation, we will, by Duke, refund your money completely.

If you enjoy, and if you think you can support us, please donate to There is no set amount for how much you need to donate. Every dollar counts! We'll make note of donations through our website, and all contributions will be recorded and stored permanently on an honor list with the names of all persons who support us.

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HRP Update v3.8 released

Category: Duke3D
by Usurper, on Wed Apr 02 2008, 04:40PM

In-between major releases of the High Resolution Pack for Duke Nukem 3D, Nightfright keeps the updates flowing at his HRP Update site. This is a fairly hefty update, as Nightfright explains:

The most significant update yet! While v3.7 was about 14.6 MB large, the new release weighs about 27 MB! Notice that you should use EDuke32 snapshot v2008-04-01 or later, or you will experience display issues with explosions and some other effects. Have a look at these highlights:
+ SD_Duke migration: We took as much contents from SD_Duke as we could and moved it to HRP Update. This especially means frozen skins, but also effects (glass pieces, water splash, scraps, shotspark). Frozen skins have been fully removed from SD_Duke in exchange. Thanks to Hunter_rus for his help in this matter!
+ Exciting new effects: See the new reactor sparks, forcefields and electricity bolts that are now in place!
+ Detail textures for switches: You requested them, you got them!
+ Fixes for clock and reactor: #1060 and #1088 models had glitches. These have been removed.

Some badly aligned sprites have been fixed (THX to Hunter_rus). Use with latest HRP Update Pack as always.
SD_DUKE MOD v1.2.4

For compatibility purposes, frozen models/skins have been completely removed from the mod. If you want to have them back, you *MUST* use HRP Update Pack from now on! There is also a new texture for SHOTSPARK1 (also included in HRP Update v3.8). From now on, the mod comes compressed with 7zip (self-extracting archive). Installation is the same, however. Just unzip to your EDuke32 directory.
 XXX-PACK v1.11
Adds two new frozen babe skins due to recent SD_Duke migration to HRP Update Pack. Only noticeable if you like hitting babes with the Freezethrower.

Definitely worth checking out. I know all the cool kids are installing it, and you want to fit in, right?


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