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Is Gearbox doing a good job handling the Duke Nukem IP?



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Duke Nukem Forever: Hands-On Preview at

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Fri Oct 08 2010, 12:06AM

Hi guys, Dave Cook from UK gaming site NowGamer. Today we had the privilege of sitting down with Gearbox's Randy Pitchford to play some Duke Nukem Forever so we could write a hands-on preview.

As big fans of Duke you may know some of this stuff already but you never know, you may get something cool out of it. Also, it's the first time the game has been shown here in the UK.

Enjoy guys


In other news Sithodah reports:

(1) A short clip from an interview in this article states that Randy Pitchford plans to have ALL DNF pre-orders honored no matter how long ago they were was placed.

(2) The final tally of how much George Broussard/3D Realms spent on Duke Nukem Forever has been revealed by Randy Pitchford to be between 20 to 30 million dollars.

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Early DNF Access w/ Borderlands GOTY Edition

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Wed Oct 06 2010, 01:08AM

The "Game of the Year" edition of Gearbox's Borderlands (coming October 12) will include all the previously released downlodable content for the game; more importantly, there will be positive implications for us Duke Nukem Forever fans, namely early demo access:

Also, the Borderlands bundle will come with one item of great interest to Duke Nukem fans. Inside the box will be an access key to what Gearbox is calling the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club. Members of the "club" will receive several items related to the flattop-sporting, bubble-gum-chewing macho hero, including the "earliest possible admittance to the Duke Nukem Forever playable demo and more." The game is due out next year on the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.


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Gurty´s First Look Coverage

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Sun Oct 03 2010, 10:06PM

thumb_gurty_10.jpgthumb_gurty_1.jpg thumb_gurty_1.jpg
thumb_gurty_1.jpg thumb_gurty_1.jpg
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thumb_gurty_1.jpg thumb_gurty_1.jpg thumb_gurty_1.jpg

Public: In Duke Nukem 3D Episode 2 there were a many space levels; are those going to be in the game again?

Pitchford: Allen Blum did some amazing things with the level design in Duke Nukem 3D Episode 2.  I cannot tell you much about it but there will be enough of that.

Public: Whill there be a limit on carrying weapons?

Pitchford: Well we are making this game with the vision of Allen Blum and George Broussard.  Their vision was that you could only have 2 weapons. This choice has been made because most players choose their favorite weapons and use only those weapons the most.  And if you need a particular weapon to defeat a boss, that weapon will be available in that area.

A very special thanks goes to Gurty for reporting in Amsterdam on behalf of!  Please click below for a revised transcript of the video interview, courtesy of Mr. Green.

[ Read the rest... ]

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Duke Nukem Forever Wallpaper

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Sun Oct 03 2010, 09:15PM's resident photoshopper extraordinaire; RedSplat, was experimenting with new designs for our website when his work suddenly turned into an awesome wallpaper:


Also in the news is is yet another Randy Pitchford interview from First Look--there's very little if any new information in it, but Randy does briefly talk about multiplayer.  (Thanks Sithodah.)

Lastly, keep your eyes peeled for an exclusive look into First Look from our reporter Gurty!

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First Look Duke Nukem Forever Gameplay

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Sun Oct 03 2010, 02:53AM

This is an off-screen recording from First Look, but the quality is pretty damn good.  Watch the entire thing--there's more gameplay shown after every segment where Randy Pitchford pauses the game to talk.

10/4 Update:
If the video below isn't available for some stupid copyright reason, try this one instead.

Thanks Mack!  There are also links to some photos, screenshots, and interviews over at our forums so make sure you check them out!

Also, Sithodah alerted us to a news item which claims DNF will be playable at the Mana Bar (aparently a gaming bar in Australia) on Saturday, October 16th.  Awesome!

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VG Cats Duke Nukem Forever Comic, Major Nelson Interviews Randy Pitchford

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Wed Sep 29 2010, 12:25AM

vgcats_dnf.jpgHere's a funny little DNF comic from VG Cats. It's being discussed in our forums, where you can also find an explanation of the comic if you don't "get" it.

Skip to 10:40 in this Xbox audio podcast to hear Gearbox CEO Randy talk to Major Nelson on the phone regarding his company picking up Duke Nukem Forever.  There's nothing new revealed in this interview, but it's great for those who want to catch up with what's going on in a little over five minutes.

Thanks to Mr. Green and VinsaneOne for the heads up.

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Duke Nukem 3D Remake in Unreal Engine 3

Category: Duke3D
by Yatta, on Wed Sep 29 2010, 12:23AM


Fresch writes,

When Gearbox got the Duke IP, my interest was resparked in the project I've wanted to work on the most: a next generation remake of Duke Nukem 3D, as if the game was made today, on modern technology.  I have been reading a lot about whether or not I would be allowed to do this, and got mixed answers here on the forums.  I asked AdamF about it, and he told me to contact 3D Realms (Scott Miller and George Broussard), so I did.

I got an email back from Scott Miller saying:

Hi Fresch,

This project might be doable.

Do you have any screen shots that show George and I what it might look like when finished?


Regardless of whether or not the project gets the "go," I want to share screenshots of it with you.  Enjoy!  This is very EARLY work, so have mercy.

Make sure you check out the respective thread for high resolution screenshots.  Thanks to Sithodah for sharing the news with us.

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Gamestop Overnight Shipping for Duke Nukem Forever, Giant Bomb Interview w/ Randy Pitchford

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Sat Sep 18 2010, 02:19AM is offering free overnight shipping, this weekend only, on Duke Nukem Forever! Use the preorder code 'BUBBLEGUM' at checkout.
[Offer Expired]

Also, this is one of the best DNF interviews to date, but includes a lot of information we already know.  Thanks Alithinos!

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Our Exclusive Duke Nukem Forever Interview with Scott Miller

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Wed Sep 15 2010, 06:51AM

Thanks to our news-sniffing community member Mr. Green, we've been able to gather up some QAs with 3D Realms CEO Scott Miller, who was one of the original guys responsible for the Duke Nukem franchise before the intellectual property rights were transferred over to Gearbox.  Enjoy!


> Q1. I read recently that Duke Nukem Forever was actually being developed on
> the build engine at one point, if this is true how much was done on the
> build engine?

I don't think we ever started the game on the Build engine. That
engine had a lifetime window of only 2-3 years, and after Quake came
out and set the new bar for 3D engines, we didn't want to make DNF in
anything less than the best engine possible.  So, in the beginning,
Duke was being made using the Quake engine, and we first demo'ed this
version of the game at E3 '98 I think, after just 3-4 months of

> Q2. What would you say caused the long development time of Duke Nukem
> Forever?

A few things. First, we were always short-handed with developments
because our background was that of using very small, but super
talented teams. We were slow to adapt to an industry in which team
sizes were growing almost 50% each year. We were ALWAYS behind the
curve, and always under-staffed.  Only in the final year or so of
development did we finally correct this issue.

We lacked a true Project Leader.  George Broussard is a creative
leader, and not a good project manager.  Everyone knows this, but the
problem was finding a project leader with a strong enough personality
to take over the project and drive it forward, without always getting
bogged down with creative issues. Again, we finally had this critical
person in place during the final year of development, when we hired
Brian Hook in this role.

Lastly, as odd as it sounds, our success with Duke Nukem 3D and Max
Payne bought us way too much time to pursue perfection.  DNF was an
entirely self-funded project, with no financial help from our
publisher.  No one is self-funding triple-A games anymore, or in the
last 10 years. We did, because we could, and we wanted absolutely
creative authority. In the end, we gave ourselves too much freedom to
pursue the perfect game, and we never could get there.

[ Read the rest... ]

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New Duke Nukem Forever Interview Regarding Game Length

Category: DNF
by Yatta, on Sat Sep 11 2010, 05:42PM

We chose to cover this one on the front page because it's got juicy tidbits:

DO:  So how much of an actual transition was there?  How much of the game is their game (3D Realms) and how much of the game is your game?

MN:  Well, I don’t think we’re adding a whole lot content-wise because after 15 years there is plenty of content. I mean, there’s a lot, a lot of game there.  It’s funny that we’re only playing 15 minutes at PAX, that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of this game.  But yeah, Gearbox is really good at producing and putting games together and pacing them and making sure all the story works. So I think in that sense we really came in and fit it all together as a complete game where before it was just a series of vignettes and cool moments.

DO:  So was the game almost done at 3Drealms?

MN: Heh, well I dunno, it definitely wasn’t finished. For us it was more of an exercise of taking a bunch of awesome stuff and fitting it together into one really cool game.

DO:  How much game are we looking at here?  20+ hours?

MN:  Oh man, it’s a lot, probably a lot more than games you’ve played lately if that says anything . . . I’m not gonna get into specifics, but it’s longer than most of the games you can pick up on shelves right now.


DO:  So, When it’s Done is now 2011.  It’s definitely 2011?  No more pushbacks?

MN:  It’s 2011.  Gearbox and 2K don’t do the pushback thing, when we say a date, we mean that fuckin’ date.

Thanks MusicallyInspired.

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